
18 Art Reviews w/ Response

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what the fuck is that? how do you wear that? it looks more like she got covered in suspiciously dress-colored paint while completely nude because i do not think she could even move her legs in a dress that looks like that. it looks like she got fuckin tied up by a cowboy

poors responds:

This drawing is a year old + hornypost + relax brother

what the FUCK! how could you DO THIS to me? in all 6 years of my life i have never seen something so traumatizing!

Infamousblackcoat responds:

and the reward to the most confusing comment goes to

where's my favorite breakfast dish: nothing
most important meal of the day my ass, half these are barely even edible

maruki responds:


this still seems a bit tame for 5,000x god eater

Azeleon responds:

Honestly I completely forgot I posted this here LOL. I might to an updated design sometime (and maybe updated song too idk)

maybe a little tiny bit fucked up perspective, an eansy weansy amount of "where is the light source," and a portion of "what the fuck happened to the microphone hand." sprinkle in a little "what the shoes doin?" and that's a remaster!

DarkTubeHD responds:

Hah, thanks for answering this old draw, welp in that moment i didnt know how to draw so good, i just changed some old things to the original and done lmao, ty!!

what software did you use?

BLUBOT responds:

I used Photoshop for most of it. I used dithered brushes I downloaded online, but made a dithered airbrush when I didn’t like the regular dithering. The line art was done in Aseprite because it can get rid of those edged pixels.

i have no clue who these are and frankly i'm horrified

Maprower responds:

Love you too, kisses~

saw the pink hair and was thinking this was omori fan art. i'm underwhelmed.

splenectomy responds:


he looks like he just shot up a school and is now fleeing, very proud of himself.

Jmanvelez responds:

*Points at this comment*

This one right here, officer

i can't tell if she has horns or if that's just the filter

ZabuJard responds:

Lol no horns

nothing matters!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳


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