
24 Game Reviews w/ Response

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i hate everything about this and wish the devs nothing but extreme torture for multiple years without end. this is the perfect blend of frustration, failure, and boredom to create what does not even deserve the title of "game." it almost feels like it was designed specifically to taunt me and the fact that i've been cursed to be mediocre at everything i attempt. 3/5

trixelbit responds:

I'm sorry we didn't meet your dietary restrictions.

i feel the shield could be implemented better, i haven't actually gotten into a match tho so it might work well there

ZabuJard responds:

the shield is just kind of a meme but yeah

Vidyabatter responds:

jare what the fuck do you mean

how do you even test these kinds of games? there are never any players online

ZabuJard responds:

I usually just open up two tabs and play with myself as pathetic as that is. Also I have online lads I test with sometimes on discord.

are you genuinely against vaccination or is this all just a joke? either way, it's a pretty good game

ZabuJard responds:

against it ;-0

you really hate firefox enough to blacklist it, huh?

RongRong responds:

I don't know how did you come to the conclusion that RPGmaker is able to blacklist browser lmfao. If you are getting error it means your browser is outdated, try updating and changing browser for once, if you are still getting error it means your computer is straight up at the low end and there's nothing I can help you about that lol.

i have no friends and this game reminds me of that fact! thank you, zabujard! you're making me even sadder than i already was!

ZabuJard responds:

ill play my shity online games with u just ask me on discord or something XD
also i added a training mode so u can try it

this game is cool and all, but what's the song used in the what's the point series?

ZabuJard responds:

Altitude - lake Serene

i made maid pico
best day of my life

Keeby10 responds:

I knew people would appreciate that option : )

really fun game
i have no clue what my goal is though

ZabuJard responds:

lmao im bad with directions

nothing matters!! 🥳🥳🥳🥳🥳


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